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By: Lisa Daley, Founder & CEO


It wasn’t until my life came to a point where I saw the opportunity to become an entrepreneur that I realized this is what my life prepared me for.  I have always been the type of person to talk to others and ask questions, connect and network friends and keep solid, long-term relationships. When I took a step into the world of being an entrepreneur, I realized I have a wide range of successful friends and family, including business owners who were all ready to support me.  So now, the only question I could think to ask was to myself and that question was… Why did you wait so long? 

I remember being 5 years old and “going outside to play”.  I gathered some shells I had, grabbed my paints, set myself up on the table outside and created beautiful pieces of art on my shells.  So beautiful that I thought, people might want these?!  I went door to door trying to sell my shells and I did.  I’m sure my shells sold more because of my age and drive to be successful rather than my creative skills but the point is, I was successful.  My mother was a bit devastated when she realized what I did but it became one of the popular “funny stories” my family decided to tell friends when they would visit.  The story was so memorable in my family that there’s even a homemade ornament on our Christmas tree with me in action… painting my shells.

Thirty years later, when I took the leap to start Blue Light Events this story of me selling my shells was one of the first things I thought of.  I thought how insane it was that it took me thirty years to figure out what I knew about myself when I was 5.  I was born to be a leader.  I was born to be an entrepreneur. Now that I’m here in the place I was always meant to be, I’m ready to take my drive and my passion to make your event a success!

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